Package: ggfortify 0.4.17

Yuan Tang

ggfortify: Data Visualization Tools for Statistical Analysis Results

Unified plotting tools for statistics commonly used, such as GLM, time series, PCA families, clustering and survival analysis. The package offers a single plotting interface for these analysis results and plots in a unified style using 'ggplot2'.

Authors:Masaaki Horikoshi [aut], Yuan Tang [aut, cre], Austin Dickey [ctb], Matthias Grenié [ctb], Ryan Thompson [ctb], Luciano Selzer [ctb], Dario Strbenac [ctb], Kirill Voronin [ctb], Damir Pulatov [ctb]

ggfortify.pdf |ggfortify.html
ggfortify/json (API)

# Install 'ggfortify' in R:
install.packages('ggfortify', repos = c('', ''))

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Doc / VignettesFAILFeb 19 2025
R-4.5-winERRORFeb 19 2025
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R-4.5-linuxERRORFeb 19 2025
R-4.4-winERRORFeb 19 2025
R-4.4-macERRORFeb 19 2025
R-4.3-winERRORFeb 19 2025
R-4.3-macERRORFeb 19 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Generic add operator for 'ggmultiplot'+,ggmultiplot,ANY-method
Apply facets to to 'ggplot2::ggplot'apply_facets
Apply grid to to 'ggplot2::ggplot'apply_grid
Convert a spline basis to a tibbleas_tibble.basis
Autoplot 'survival::aareg'autoplot.aareg
Autoplot 'stats::acf'. Note to pass `plot = FALSE` to original function to suppress standard plot outputautoplot.acf
Autoplot spline basis instancesautoplot.basis
Autoplot 'strucchange::breakpoints'autoplot.breakpoints autoplot.breakpointsfull
Autoplot 'changepoint::cpt'autoplot.cpt
Autoplot 'glmnet::cv.glmnet'
Autoplot 'stats::density'autoplot.density
Autoplot 'forecast::forecast'autoplot.forecast
Autoplot 'ggmultiplot' instances. It returns the passed instance as it is.autoplot.ggmultiplot
Autoplot 'ggplot' instances. It returns the passed instance as it is.autoplot.ggplot
Autoplot 'glmnet::glmnet'autoplot.glmnet
Autoplot cluster instancesautoplot.kmeans
Autoplot listautoplot.list
Autoplot 'stats::lm' and 'stats::glm'autoplot.lm
Autoplot 'maps::map'
Plot 'base::matrix'autoplot.matrix
Autoplot 'MSwM::MSM.lm'autoplot.MSM.lm
Autoplot PCA-likesautoplot.factanal autoplot.pca_common autoplot.prcomp autoplot.princomp
Autoplot 'ROCR::performance'autoplot.performance
Autoplot 'raster::raster'autoplot.RasterCommon
Autoplot silhouette instancesautoplot.silhouette
Autoplot 'maps::map'autoplot.SpatialCommon
Autoplot 'stats::spec'autoplot.spec
Plot 'stats::stepfun'autoplot.stepfun
Autoplot 'survival::survfit'autoplot.survfit autoplot.survfit.cox
Autoplot time-series-likeautoplot.decomposed.ts autoplot.irts autoplot.stl autoplot.timeSeries autoplot.ts autoplot.xts
Autoplot time series models (like AR, ARIMA) autoplot.fGARCH autoplot.fracdiff autoplot.HoltWinters autoplot.nnetar autoplot.tsmodel
Autoplot 'vars::varprd'autoplot.varprd
Wrapper for cbindcbind_wraps
Check data names are equal with expectedcheck_names
Calculate confidence interval for 'stats::acf'confint.acf
Show deprecate warningdeprecate.warning
Calculate fitted values for 'stats::ar'
Flatten dataframe contains matrixflatten
Convert 'base::table' to 'data.frame'fortify_base
Convert 'maps::map' to 'data.frame'.fortify_map
Convert 'survival::aareg' to 'data.frame'fortify.aareg
Convert 'stats::acf' to 'data.frame'fortify.acf
Convert spline basis instances to 'data.frame'fortify.basis
Convert 'changepoint::cpt' and 'strucchange::breakpoints' to 'data.frame'fortify.breakpoints fortify.breakpointsfull fortify.cpt
Convert 'glmnet::cv.glmnet' to 'data.frame'
Convert 'stats::density' to 'data.frame'fortify.density
Convert 'stats::dist' to 'data.frame'fortify.dist
Convert 'forecast::bats' and 'forecast::ets' to 'data.frame'fortify.ets
Convert 'stats::factanal' to 'data.frame'fortify.factanal
Convert 'forecast::forecast' to 'data.frame'fortify.forecast
Convert 'glmnet::glmnet' to 'data.frame'fortify.glmnet
Convert cluster instances to 'data.frame'fortify.kmeans
Convert 'lfda::lfda' or 'lfda::klfda' or 'lfda::self' to 'data.frame'fortify.lfda
Convert list to data.framefortify.list
Convert 'base::matrix' to 'data.frame'fortify.matrix
Convert 'MSwM::MSM.lm' to 'data.frame'fortify.MSM.lm
Convert 'ROCR::performance' objects to 'data.frame'fortify.performance
Convert 'stats::prcomp', 'stats::princomp' to 'data.frame'fortify.prcomp fortify.princomp
Convert 'raster' to 'data.frame'fortify.RasterCommon
Convert 'cluster::silhouette' to 'data.frame'fortify.silhouette
Convert 'sp' instances to 'data.frame'.fortify.SpatialCommon
Convert 'stats::spec' to 'data.frame'fortify.spec
Convert 'stats::stepfun' to 'data.frame'fortify.stepfun
Convert 'survival::survfit' to 'data.frame'fortify.survfit fortify.survfit.cox
Convert 'base::table' to 'data.frame'fortify.table
Convert time-series-like to data.framefortify.ts
Convert time series models (like AR, ARIMA) to 'data.frame' fortify.Arima fortify.fGARCH fortify.fracdiff fortify.HoltWinters fortify.nnetar fortify.tsmodel
Convert 'vars::varprd' to 'data.frame'fortify.varprd
Connect observations by stairs.geom_confint
Factory function to control 'ggplot2::geom_xxx' functionsgeom_factory
Factory function to control 'ggplot2::geom_xxx' functionsget_geom_function
Convert 'ts' index to 'Date' 'vector'get.dtindex
Get 'Date' 'vector' continue to 'ts' indexget.dtindex.continuous
Calcurate layout matrix for 'ggmultiplot'get.layout
Draw 'biplot' using 'ggplot2'.ggbiplot
Plots a cumulative periodogramggcpgram
Plot distributionggdistribution
ggfortifyggfortify-package ggfortify
Plot seasonal subseries of time series, generalization of 'stats::monthplot'ggfreqplot
An S4 class to hold multiple 'ggplot2::ggplot' instancesggmultiplot-class length,ggmultiplot-method [,ggmultiplot,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,ggmultiplot-method [<-,ggmultiplot,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [<-,ggmultiplot-method [[,ggmultiplot-method [[<-,ggmultiplot-method
Plots time-series diagnosticsggtsdiag
The implemented grid.draw method for ggmultiplot, in order to work with ggsave() properlygrid.draw.ggmultiplot
Infer class nameinfer
Check object is target class, or object is 'data.frame' fortified from target.is_derived_from
Check if Validates number of 'ts' variatesis.univariate
Attach confidence interval to 'ggplot2::ggplot'plot_confint
Attach label to 'ggplot2::ggplot'plot_label
Post process for fortify. Based on 'ggplot2::qplot'post_autoplot
Post process for fortify.post_fortify
Generic print function for 'ggmultiplot'print,ggmultiplot-method
Rbind original and predicted time-series-like instances as fortified 'data.frame'rbind_ts
Calculate residuals for 'stats::ar'
Generic show function for 'ggmultiplot'show,ggmultiplot-method
Check if passed object is supported by 'ggplot2::autoplot'support_autoplot
Backtransform 'scale'-ed objectunscale